Emergency Procedures
- Bomb Threat
- Building Evacuations
- Criminal Activity
- Fire
- Hazardous Materials
- Ice Storms
- Thunderstorms
- Tornado
If you receive a bomb threat by phone:
1. Do NOT hang up.
2. If the bomb is said to be in the building where the call came in to, don’t use any electrical devices until you are outside the building, this includes land line phones and cell phones.
3. Try to motion to another person to alert security.
4. Remain calm.
5. Note the gender, ethnic background and age of caller–if possible.
6. Note background sounds/noises.
7. Ask as many questions as possible:
* When is the bomb going to explode? * Where are you now?
* Where was the bomb placed? * What is your name?
* What does the bomb look like? * Why was the bomb placed?
* What type of bomb was placed? * Who placed the bomb?
* What will make the bomb explode?
8. If a written threat is received save ALL materials –No matter what it is or how unimportant you think it is.
9. If you see a suspicious object, do not disturb it and immediately call Security.
10. After you have obtained all possible information, call Security at 770/534-6202 or x1234. Call 911 and report the same information.
Building evacuations should occur when a building alarm sounds continuously and/or upon notification by Security or any staff/faculty member.
1. Be aware of all marked exits from your room and building. Be aware of all evacuation locations. Evacuation locations for each building are posted on the Brenau Intranet Security website.
2. Walk quickly to the nearest exit and ask others to do the same.
3. Be aware of any individuals with disabilities exiting the building.
4. Use the stairwells in case of fire. In case of a non-fire emergency, elevators are reserved for disabled persons’ use only.
5. As you evacuate the building, close doors as floors are swept to show the area has been cleared. Always sweep from top to bottom –if possible.
6. Once outside, meet staff/faculty at the designated area. Move to a safe area away from the affected building. Remember to keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
7. Do not return to the evacuated building unless you are told to do so by Security or other authorized personnel.
If you find yourself a victim of, witness to, or in the vicinity of criminal activities please observe the following recommendations.
1. Attempt to remove yourself from any danger.
2. Notify Campus Safety and Security by calling x1234 from any campus phone or 770/534-6202. Additionally, 911 may need to be called.
3. Try to call from a safe location if possible.
4. If possible, provide the following information:
* Location of crime * Any injuries
* Description of suspect(s) * Direction of travel of suspects
* Nature of crime * Description of vehicle(s)
* Number of people involved * Any known weapons
5. Do NOT pursue or attempt to detain suspects.
1. In case of a fire always remember R A C E–Remove yourself, Alert, Contain, Extinguish
2. Be aware of all marked exits from your area and building as well as the location of nearby fire extinguishers and building fire hoses. Know the location of fire alarms.
For the person discovering the fire:
1. Extinguish only if you can do so safely and quickly. Use only the fire suppression equipment available. Do NOT use water on electrical fires. Do NOT attempt to fight fires involving possible explosives, toxic chemicals, or hazardous materials.
2. Direct the charge of a fire extinguisher toward the base of the flame. PASS–Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep.
3. Alert Campus Security 770/534-6202 or x1234.
4. Dial 911.
5. Alert others.
6. Confine the fire by closing doors.
7. Meet the Fire Department when they arrive.
For persons evacuating from the immediate fire area:
1. Feel the door from top to bottom. If it is hot, Do NOT proceed; go back.
2. If the door is cool, crouch low and open the door slowly. Close the door quickly if smoke is present so you do not inhale it.
3. If no smoke is present, exit the building via the nearest stairwell or exit.
4. If you encounter heavy smoke in a stairwell, go back and try another stairwell.
5. Stay near the floor where the air will be more breathable.
For persons in the building:
1. Knock on doors and notify others to evacuate.
2. Confine the fire by closing all doors–Do NOT lock.
3. Seal cracks and vents if smoke comes in.
4. Avoid smoke filled areas.
5. Do NOT use elevators.
6. Hang an object in the window to attract the fire department’s attention.
To see a descriptive list of Fire Safety Systems for on-campus housing, residential facilities and high-traffic areas, click here.
A Hazardous Materials Emergency exists when:
1. Cleanup of a spill of a hazardous material is beyond the level of knowledge, training or ability of the staff in the immediate spill area or;
2. The spill creates a situation that is immediately dangerous to the life and health of persons in the spill area or facility.
If a Hazardous Materials Emergency exists:
1. Alert people in the immediate area of the spill or building if necessary.
2. Notify Campus Safety and Security of the chemical, location, and size of the spill at 770/534-6202 or x1234. May also need to call 911. Be prepared to spell chemical names.
3. Evacuate any nearby rooms or buildings that may be affected. If the hazard will affect the entire building evacuate the entire building. If there is a chance of explosion from the chemical spill do no activate the building fire alarm. Evacuate the building manually by alerting others by voice. Be cautious- do not turn electrical equipment on or off to cause sparks. If there is no chance of explosion, activate the building fire alarm system by pulling the handle on a local fire alarm.
4. Confine the hazard by closing doors as you leave the room.
5. Use eyewash or safety showers as needed to rinse spilled chemicals off people.
6. Isolate contaminated persons. Avoid contamination or chemical exposure if possible.
The region in which Gainesville is located is subject to ice storms throughout the winter months. When the weather channel is predicting such a storm, please use good judgment when venturing out. Do NOT call Security to find out about closings. Notifications of school closings will be made utilizing the campus E2 alert system.
1. Keep a flashlight accessible with extra batteries.
2. Charge cell phones.
3. Have extra blankets.
4. Do not go outside unless necessary.
5. In the event of a power outage, follow the directions of any authority figure. They will have updated information regarding the situation.
6. It is recommended that you try not to leave campus. If you feel it is necessary, please inform staff or any Brenau authority figure.
7. If someone is stranded on-campus, refer them to a staff member or any Brenau authority figure.
Threat Assessments:
Severe Thunderstorm Watch: Conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning: Thunderstorms have been reported by spotters or indicated by radar –imminent danger. Notification will be made utilizing the E2 campus alert system.
If you are outside a building:
1. Move to the shelter area of the nearest building as quickly as possible.
2. Do NOT seek shelter under trees near metal fences, or in exposed locations.
3. Avoid open fields and tall objects.
4. Avoid conductive objects, such as utility lines and metal pipes.
5. Do not handle metal objects.
6. If you cannot get into a building, seek shelter in a vehicle, ravine, or ditch.
7. Stay away from water.
8. Do not park vehicles under electrical lines or trees.
9. If you are in an enclosed vehicle, stay inside it and avoid touching exposed metal parts.
If you are inside a building:
1. Stay indoors.
2. Stay away from open doors and windows, metal objects, electrical appliances, and any plumbing.
3. Avoid using the telephone. Lightening will travel through telephone lines.
4. Telephone, computer equipment, and all other electrical equipment should be unplugged.
Campus officials and Security will monitor local weather information during times when conditions indicate that tornado activity is possible.
Threat Assessment:
Tornado Watch –Conditions are right for a tornado. During a tornado watch everyone should be alert to weather conditions.
Tornado Warning –A tornado has been sighted in the area. Warning sirens will be initiated by Hall County Central Communications, and the university. Notification will be given to the campus community utilizing the E2 campus alert system. Take cover when you hear the sirens –danger is imminent.
If you are outside a building when the siren begins:
1. Move as quickly as possible to the emergency shelter area of the nearest building.
2. If there is no time to enter a building, get into a ditch or depression away from power lines and trees.
3. Lay as flat as possible. Duck and Cover. Remain in that position until the danger passes and the all-clear signal is given. This signal may be an e2 Campus alert.
If you are inside a building:
1. Stay indoors.
2. Position yourself on the floor against an interior wall, duck and cover until the danger passes and the all clear signal is given. Be prepared for debris caused by furniture, equipment, and other heavy objects. These objects may block evacuation routes.
3. Be prepared for alarms and sprinkler systems to activate. This is common in a building when facility damage occurs.