Field Experience - Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to do Field Experiences when I already work in a school?


The state of Georgia requires that students do three experiences across different types of schools (rural, urban, suburban) and across grade bands (those depend on your area of intended certification). We must meet those requirements in order to recommend you for certification when your program is complete. We arrange field experiences that ensure that these requirements are met. Students participate in one 48 hour field experience per semester.

How can I do three Field Experiences while working full time?


Most of our students who are employed in a school work out logistics with their employers to go visit another school nearby (we arrange for the placement) to meet the diversity requirement (since your own school could not count as more than one type of school).  They take personal days, lunch/planning times, etc. to go to their Field Experience.  Sometimes, we can arrange for the other two experiences to be in your school. Your school must meet certain criteria. 

If you do not work in a school, please work out a plan with your employer for spending 48 hours spread over 14 weeks away from your job. This will happen for three consecutive semesters.

Student Teaching - Frequently Asked Questions

How long is student teaching and do I need to quit my job to do it?


Student teaching is a full-time commitment for 14 weeks.  Students must be able to spend all day, every day in their placement, so working outside of student teaching is not advised.  Student teachers arrive when the teachers arrive and leave when the teachers leave, often taking work home in the evenings.  Arrangements must be made for family and community commitments, since this is a vitally important semester for you as a prospective teacher.

If you are already in a classroom as a lead teacher teaching on a provisional certificate, you would do an internship instead of student teaching.

If I work in a school as a paraprofessional, how can I student teach without quitting my job?


School administrators often place paraprofessionals strategically so that when the time comes, a paraprofessional could student teach in the classroom where he/she already works.  This works well with PreK or Kindergarten situations, where the paraprofessional is in the classroom full-time. In ED 100/501, you will create a timeline that will plan out your classes through graduation. Sharing this plan with your administrator could help ensure that you have an ideal situation for your student teaching. The Clinical Experiences Office at Brenau can help make recommendations or answer questions that might arise.

Internship - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between an internship and student teaching?


If you are an MAT and you are already employed as a teacher of record, you would not do student teaching, you would do an internship. An internship is one full semester in your own classroom, with a colleague in the building who meets certain criteria as your Mentor Teacher. You would also be assigned a college supervisor who would observe and meet with you throughout the semester. Your administrators would sign off on this and work with you as needed. You would have assignments spread over the 15 weeks that would meet the criteria for certification, similar to what student teachers do.