We’ve recently completed the update of the Intranet to the new design so we wanted to let everyone know immediately given the popularity of the site. The Intranet has used the same design and technology for roughly the past 8 years so it was very important to make this change for a variety of reasons.
*Better performance (site uses continuously updated technology and is fully optimized for speed)
* Consistent branding (site themes can now be synchronized between internal and external Brenau sites to give a more seamless browsing experience)
*Better uptime (site is hosted externally so outages in Gainesville will not affect Intranet access for external users)
*Better security (site is hosted at an outside datacenter so any site vulnerabilities will not affect the internal network)
*Mobile ready (the new site is mobile-ready and will adjust it’s presentation to match smartphones and tablets when applicable)
*Easier authentication (some links, like Human Resources, will require you to authenticate but you can now use your Google email account to access those links with a single click rather than having to use your network credentials)
We hope you like the new design and appreciate the changes. If you have any challenges or suggestions please contact the Helpdesk at helpdesk@brenau.edu or via the links on the Intranet. There is also a FEEDBACK feature on the side of the screen of the main page so users can send us feedback that way.
Please keep in mind that some links may have changed so if you are having trouble accessing an old link, just go to “intranet.brenau.edu” and follow the links from there to get where you needed to go. This may mean deleting some of your old bookmarks and replacing them with new ones.