Standard accommodations for students are as follows: Extended testing time of 1.5 times the regular testing session. In other words, if the class as a whole is getting one hour, you, with testing accommodations, will get 1 hour and 30 minutes.
All Students other than Day Students on the Main Campus or any student on a Regional Campus: Testing Accommodations are given by your professors. Be sure to remind your professor in a courteous manner of your testing accommodations 2-3 days prior to each test. You may need to come in early or stay late in order to get your full extended time for each testing session.
Day Students on the Main Campus: Day Students on the Main Campus may qualify for the accommodation of being allowed to take their tests at the Learning Center rather than in-class. These tests would have to be proctored and monitored by Learning Center staff and would have to be given at the same time and date as the class unless special circumstances apply.